Wildlife ACT’s first 12 years

Wildlife ACT has published an incredible new report, documenting their impact over the 12 years since they were founded.

The report celebrates the achievements over the years, reflects on mistakes and lessons learned and contemplates the future challenges over the coming decade and how Wildlife ACT intends to tackle them.

The report highlights Wildlife ACT’s work on painted wolves. They aim to provided funded monitoring of every pack in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), to provide detailed data to inform appropriate management of the species. They also work to respond to emergencies, spread information and enhance awareness. There are now over 12 packs in KZN, grown from 5 packs in 2006. Wildlife ACT partners with Ezemvelo KZN and the Endangered Wildlife Trust on their painted wolf work.




For wild dogs, the following amazing achievements have been collated:

    • 63,253 field hours
    • 289 monitoring devices fitted
    • 1,220,414 km driven
    • 385 painted wolves relocated
    • 106 snares removed
    • 27,600 observations
    • 7,508 camera trap sightings

More broadly, across all of Wildlife ACT’s work:

    • 9 different species monitored
    • Over 3 500 volunteers
    • 82,000 local children and adults reached through education and outreach activities
