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2023 Activity Report

See what we’ve been doing in 2023
View and download our report

Why save the painted wolf?

There are so many causes that demand our attention.
What makes the painted wolf so special?

With only 6,500 painted wolves left in the world, their risk of extinction is real.
Our strategy is designed to reverse their decline and double their numbers across Africa.


To secure the future of the painted wolf.


To support, expand and optimise the effectiveness of painted wolf conservation across their existing and potential rangelands.


To double the number of painted wolves and recover landscapes where they can thrive alongside Africa’s people.

Fascinating Facts

The painted wolf is Africa’s most enigmatic creature. Get to know them and how they live their lives

Our Strategy

We believe we can double
their numbers
in 30 years.

Understanding The Threats

Our analysis covers all Africa and our solutions deliver transformational change.

Our Investment Priorities

Saving the painted wolf is a huge task. See our investment priorities that will make a difference.

Some of our investments…

Kickstarting a painted wolf project in the Maasailands of Southern Kenya

Investigating the last remaining painted wolf population in West Africa

Evaluating former painted wolf rangelands in Central Africa for potential reintroductions

See our investments across Africa so far

In a Nutshell

Watch our six minute video to learn about the painted wolf,
the threats they face and what we are doing to save them.

Diane Skinner Award

Diane was one of our founders, but sadly passed away in 2022. We have launched the “Award for the Unsung Hero in Conservation” in honour of her memory and her legacy.

Get involved

Save the Painted Wolf

The painted wolf is Africa’s most persecuted predator. Few know they exist and even less care.
See what you can do to secure their future.