Denning season in southeastern Zimbabwe

The latest news from the African Wildlife Conservation Fund (AWCF) is here, with updates on dens, puppies, snares, vaccination campaigns, all against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click through to their newsletter to read all the details.

Denning season!

AWCF continues its critical monitoring work – they are currently monitoring and safeguarding 14 painted wolf packs – 5 packs in Gonarezhou National Park and 9 packs in Savé Valley Conservancy. So far, 77 puppies have been confirmed, and fingers are crossed for good survivorship this year. Click through to the newsletter for many cute puppy pictures.

Vaccination programme

Diseases like rabies are a real threat to humans, domestic dogs, and painted wolves. AWCF has worked with partners on the ground to vaccinate an additional 4,865 domestic dogs against rabies,

Fighting brutal snares

Wildlife poaching and the threat of snares has increased significantly with Zimbabwe’s economic crisis, and has been compounded by the devastating effects of Covid-19. AWCF works with anti-poaching authorities in the protected areas, and in February, intervened to save two adult painted wolves from death by snare wires.

Supporting the community in the time of COVID-19

Rural communities are struggling even more than usual against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. AWCF has raised funds to provide personal protective equipment to 8 community clinics. They have also continued to support students who are preparing for their exams, as well as sourcing a major shipment of 10 pallets of library books, as well as 950 solar lamps.


For more, read the newsletter HERE, and click HERE to support AWCF’s crucial work.