Painted wolves: the baboon eaters of Mana Pools

PWF Trustee Nick Dyer has published a fascinating new story in National Geographic about painted wolves hunting baboons in Mana Pools National Park. It reveals for the first time this highly unusual behavior.Nick tells the intriguing story of two packs of painted wolves in Mana Pools National Park, who have added baboon to their normal diet of impala.




The story provides the background to Nick’s highly commended Wildlife Photographer of the Year image.





While the baboons were initially surprised to face this unexpected threat, they are now learning to fight back. This can have fatal consequences for the painted wolves.


Drawing on Peter Blinston’s long experience of painted wolves in the wild, and his own observations over years photographing the wildlife of Mana Pools, Nick considers how this new development may impact the wider ecosystem in Mana Pools.

The story features many photographs from Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life.

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