Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life – Now Available to Order!

Join our Kickstarter campaign…your very first opportunity to order Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life by Nicholas Dyer and Peter Blinston.


Nick and Peter have launched an exciting Kickstarter campaign to help publish Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life, a first-of-its kind coffee table book on the endangered and enigmatic painted wolf.

painted wolf, painted wolves, wild dog, painted dog

Stunning photography, elegant design, compelling stories and thoughtful insight all combine to create a powerful work of art in support of a neglected creature. This is an ideal present for all those fascinated by painted wolves and an essential book for anyone that loves African wildlife.

A unique collector’s edition (limited to 100 books) is also available, signed by both authors.


There are many other exciting rewards available on the Kickstarter campaign, kindly donated by our partners.

  • Safaris in Mana Pools, Victoria Falls, Hwange, and Gonarezhou
  • Painted wolf tracking with Painted Dog Conservation in Hwange
  • Beautiful pieces of painted wolf art
  • Memberships and subscriptions

All profits from the campaign and the book go to the Painted Wolf Foundation.

Buy yours now to raise awareness and support conservation.

painted wolf, painted wolves, wild dog, painted dog, conservation