Zambian Carnivore Programme 2018 Annual Report

We’re thrilled to share the 2018 annual report from the Zambian Carnivore Programme (ZCP).

Zambia’s conservation areas are crucial in linking eastern and southern habitats and wildlife populations. The Zambian Carnivore Programme (ZCP) does impressive conservation work with many collaborators in their efforts to monitor and conserve large carnivore species such as lions, cheetahs and painted wolves and their associated ecosystems in Zambia.

Read all about their 2018 work in the Luangwa Valley, the Greater Kafue and Greater Liuwa Ecosystems HERE.


A few snippets:

2018 sadly saw the end of the Hot Springs Pack in the Luangwa Valley with the death of their extraordinary alpha male (Wild Dog 73) at over 12 years of age. He successfully kept his pack together and growing for a long time in a dangerous (snare-infested) territory. The legacy of this pack and wolf is still seen in the 150 – 180 painted wolves that can be found in the Luangwa. It is a tribute to the resilience and intrigue of this endangered species and to the efforts of all the people working to save them. We can only hope that the next dynasty has that same tenacity for survival.

Bushmeat poaching with wire snares continues to pose one of the greatest threats to large carnivores in Zambia. Not only are prey populations impacted, but the carnivores themselves are often caught in the snares. 2018 brought the disturbing first evidence of snares designed to catch big cats, presumably for the illegal skin and parts trade. ZCP works through collaborative anti-snaring programmes to mitigate and reduce the impact on carnivore populations.

ZCP expanded their education programmes in 2018. The work has three main areas: student engagement and education in conservation issues; ‘adventure-based learning’ programmes with students conducting their own field research; and the acquisition of key skills in technology, computer literacy, critical thinking, writing and public speaking. Read more on how they conducted 60 school programmes for 1120 students across their three project sites. It’s so exciting to see how many of these past students have come back to make their positive mark in conservation.


ZCP, their staff, and their partners have spent an astounding amount of time and effort in conserving painted wolves and other carnivores. We’re cheering you on!