Reverse the Red features painted wolf recovery

The reintroduction of painted wolves into Gorongosa National Park is again being recognized as a conservation success. Biodiversity around the world is declining at an alarming rate. The recovery of painted wolves in Mozambique is a beacon of hope for reversing this trend.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species is a critical indicator of the state of the world’s biodiversity. Every year, the IUCN Red List assesses the global conservation status of animal, plant, and fungi species. And every year, the threat of biodiversity loss gets worse…with the exception of some special conservation success stories.

Reverse the Red is a global movement dedicated to stopping biodiversity loss. In their webinar shown below, the reintroduction of painted wolves in Gorongosa National Park is highlighted as one of those success stories.

Watch the video in which Paola Bouley discusses some of the reasons for the painted wolf recovery’s success. An essential element was ensuring coexistence between wildlife and the neighboring communities. This involved human development programmes, sustainable rebuilding of a post-war economy, and data-driven wildlife conservation science. This discussion highlights the mountain of work it takes to bring a species back from the brink of extinction.

The discussion of painted wolf recovery begins at the 7:10 minute mark. However, painted wolves are just one of four success stories discussed in this webinar. Watch the whole video to learn of other examples of conservation wins.