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Field Conservation Organisations

Painted Dog Research Trust

NAMEPainted Dog Research Trust
REGIONZambezi National Park, Matetsi Safari Area
AREAS OF FOCUSMonitoring, Research, Education, Community, Awareness, Anti-Poaching, Habitat Conservation
KEY PERSONNELDr Gregory Rasmussen, Mkhalalwa Moyo, Mahlabezulu Zulu

The mission of the Painted Dog Research Trust is to conserve painted dogs using data and research as the guiding tool. 

Painted Dog Research Trust (PDRT) aims to work towards the KAZA goal “To improve the long-term viability of the world’s largest contiguous painted dog population by securing suitable habitat, improving transboundary connectivity and realizing the species’ value, in the context of sustainable development and environmental change.”

Dr Greg Rasmussen’s research commenced in 1987 making his work the longest single-focused study into painted wolves. Conservation is achieved through research into painted wolves and their habitat, promotion of conservation at schools, and the facilitation of academic and practical training of Zimbabwean students and graduates with the explicit intent of securing a future generation of Zimbabwean conservation scientists. In addition, PDRT engages in community enrichment and development.