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Field Conservation Organisations

Gorongosa National Park

NAMEGorongosa National Park
REGIONGorongosa National Park, incl. Coutada 12 and the Buffer-Zone
AREAS OF FOCUSMonitoring, Research, Anti-poaching, Community, Education, Awareness, Habitat Conservation, Rehabilitation
KEY PERSONNELPaola Bouley, Paulo “Tonecas” Antonio, Mercia Angela.

Gorongosa National Park adopts a 21st century conservation model of balancing the needs of wildlife and people, protecting and saving this beautiful wilderness, and returning it to its rightful place as one of Africa’s greatest parks.

Gorongosa achieves this by working in four core areas:

  • Conservation: By protecting Gorongosa’s beautiful animals and landscapes and making sure future generations have a chance to experience this special place.
  • Community: By providing assistance to farmers, educational programs, and health care, and improving the well-being of local communities.
  • Science: By studying how all the parts of Gorongosa’s complex web of life fit together, towards making informed conservation and management decisions.
  • Sustainable Tourism: By developing sustainable tourism, and creating employment for local people and generating sustainable revenue for the Park. Every guest that visits Gorongosa plays a vital role in this amazing conservation effort.