Painted wolves taking the City of Gold by storm!

October has been action-packed with launching the exquisite coffee table book Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life in South Africa.

 We had successful back-to-back events held in Johannesburg and the response to the book has been magnetic. 

Painted wolves, also commonly known as African wild dogs, are much loved in South Africa and it has been wonderful to interact with audiences that are so dedicated to this species.

Nicholas Dyer with books

Book launch at CIRCA Gallery – 9 October 

Trading in the Mana Pools horizon for a panoramic cityscape, Painted Wolf Foundation trustee, Nicholas Dyer, gave a talk to 60 people at Everard Read’s iconic CIRCA Gallery. An intimate affair in the Darwin Roam, Nick, spoke about his journey walking with the painted wolves of Mana Pools.


Author Nicholas Dyer signing copies of Painted Wolves A Wild Dogs Life book



We are so grateful for the generous support shown by fellow conservation lovers Mark and Christine Read for the venue; Backyard Catering for the scrumptious snacks and professional service; Amanda Irving from Painted Wolf Wines for the delectable wines, and the team at HPH Publishing that helped make the evening so memorable.


Thankfully all the books we lugged up the spiraling staircases of CIRCA were sold, so there was no need to carry them down again. More importantly, we successfully raised funds through the book for the painted wolves. All proceeds from the book go to the Painted Wolf Foundation.

EWT at Country Club Johannesburg – 10 October 

In the spirit of collaboration, PWF partnered with the Endangered Wildlife Trust for a second event held at the historic Johannesburg Country Club in Auckland Park.

The Endangered Wildlife Trust expertly manages the South African painted wolf metapopulation. There are an estimated 550 painted wolves in South Africa, and this number is increasing – something to be proud of!

The evening was kicked off by Harriet DaviesMostert, head of Conservation at EWT.

Nick then held the room transfixed with stories of the painted wolves of Mana Pools. He shared his journey from the board rooms of the UK to the banks of the Zambezi river, and how he became an author and founded PWF along the way.

This exceptionally well-attended event attracted over 200 painted wolf fans, filling the room to capacity. Afterward, guests were invited to a delicious dinner at the club. Again, Painted Wolf Wines provided the yummy wine and HPH Publishing provided invaluable support.

Painted Wolves – a sculpture exhibition by Charles Greig 

Last but not least, and very spontaneously, PWF was invited to attend the Painted Wolves sculpture exhibition hosted by Charles Greig Jewelers. Surrounded by life-size painted wolf sculptures, Harriet gave an educational and inspiring talk on the plight of the painted wolf. We were pleased to be there, and to sell a few copies of the book!

Where to buy a copy of Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life

If you are based in South Africa and have not yet added a copy of Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life to your book collection, the books are available from HPH Publishing. 

In Europe, the book is available from Amazon UK, Waterstones and the Book Depository. Alternatively, head to our website.