Painted Wolves Garner Attention at Wildlife Photographer of the Year

PWF Trustee Nicholas Dyer was honoured to have his photograph “Ahead of the Game” highly commended in this year’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition at the Natural History Museum. This was the 54th year that the competition has been run, and only 100 photographs are chosen out of 50,000 entries!

painted wolf, pack, wild dog, painted dog, painted wolves, WPY54, painted wolves: a wild dog's life, natural history museum

Nick traveled to London for the awards dinner and the launch of the exhibition. It was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness about painted wolves, with the public, journalists, and museum members and supporters.

Nick gave two talks at the museum in the Nature Live programme. He was also asked to speak at the exclusive members’ evening, along with the Chair of the Jury for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

It was a very special time,  not only for Nick as a photographer, but for the painted wolves, who are finally gaining some of the attention they deserve!

And don’t forget Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog’s Life is still available for purchase!

Order your copy now