New research sheds light on large carnivores

Congratulations are in order for WildCRU’s Paolo Strampelli, who successfully defended his DPhil thesis. His in-depth study of the large carnivores found in Tanzania’s Ruaha-Rungwa landscape has important implications for wildlife management and conservation strategies.

Part of Paolo’s work generated large-scale insights into the factors that contribute to a carnivore’s presence in an area. These factors included the presence of other carnivores, their prey, and human activity in the area. The work showed that different carnivore species are affected by different combinations of factors that affect their success.  While investigating interactions between carnivore species, he found evidence of painted wolves avoiding lions at multiple spatial scales. This avoidance was strongest in more disturbed areas. 

Paolo’s research highlights the need for more big picture thinking in conservation research. There is not a one size fits all approach that will be successful in complicated, mixed-use landscapes. Finding ways to reconcile conservation with human development will require shifts towards more inclusive approaches to conservation. 

Keep up with Paolo’s work as he continues ecological research and monitoring for large carnivores with Lion Landscapes (newly merged with the Ruaha Carnivore Project) in Tanzania.