Mara Predator Conservation Programme 2020 Annual Report


The 2020 annual report for the Mara Predator Conservation Programme (MPCP), a programme of the Kenya Wildlife Trust, is out and provides a great insight into the challenges painted wolves face in the Greater Mara Ecosystem. 



Mara predator conservation programme logo


MPCP promotes coexistence of people and predators, and have recently included painted wolves in their work in the Mara. Very little is known about the species in this area. Unfortunately, local communities view painted wolves very negatively. MPCP is working hard to change hearts and minds and increase tolerance to sharing land with painted wolves.


Human-painted wolf conflict unfortunately saw an increase in 2020. However, MPCP was encouraged to find all known dogs still alive and even reported the sighting of a new group of females. By monitoring painted wolves as well as recording instances of conflict, MPCP can better understand how to mitigate this conflict and focus conservation efforts. 


MPCP continued community outreach and education programmes in 2020, despite financial hardships due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The annual report highlights some of the inspiring work MPCP does with conservation education in schools and within the community, helping to ensure a shared future with painted wolves and other wildlife. 


Click HERE to learn more about painted wolves in the Greater Mara Ecosystem, as well as the work that the Mara Predator Conservation Programme does there.