Botswana Predator Conservation, a programme of Wild Entrust, published its impressive 2019 annual report.
BPC has been operating for the last 30 years as the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust. Under the banner of Wild Entrust, BPC’s predator research is integrated with Coaching Conservation and Ecosystem Connectivity on behalf of wildlife in northern Botswana.
Click through to read all about their work, including:
- 8 new publications in scientific journals, for an impressive total of 93 peer reviewed articles since 1994!
- Monitoring of 170 painted wolves in 18 packs, including many new packs observed in 2019.
- Behavioural data collection and analysis, including the “sneeze to leave” research, which concluded that sneezing represents a form of voting among the pack about starting a hunt.
- Ongoing BioBoundary project, which develops synthetic equivalents of predator scent signals that communicate important information about territory boundaries.
- Understanding painted wolf dispersal patterns and more proactively collecting information using GPS collars. This information is critical to guide management decisions for painted wolves.
- Six ongoing graduate research projects on a wide variety of topics.
The annual report also provides all the progress in Wild Entrust’s Coaching for Conservation programme in Botswana and South Africa, as well as their Ecosystem Connectivity work to enhance coexistence and improve livelihoods of rural communities.
Click HERE to read the full report, and HERE to find out how you can support Botswana Predator Conservation in the field.