2019 report from the Mara Predator Conservation Programme

The Mara Predator Conservation Programme 2019 annual report is out!

In this update, the MPCP reports on their work to better understand painted wolves in the Mara ecosystem. A few strategic camera traps have given a better idea of the Lemek/Pardamat pack, which is a small pack of four adults and some puppies. The camera trap photos show the animals moving at night, rather than just in the evenings and mornings, confirming findings from other places in Africa that painted wolves are not solely diurnal.

There has also been a lot of work into understanding community attitudes around painted wolves. Although they are viewed negatively, the potential of painted wolves to attract tourists was a key determinant in the community attitudes towards the species. MPCP has also employed a community field assistant to track painted wolves and work with local communities as well as tour operators to track sightings.

Throughout the year, MPCP also continued their comprehensive community programmes, which include mitigation of predator conflict, wildlife clubs, game drives, and a wide range of awareness campaigns.

Read more HERE!